What is Desktop Development ?
Desktop Development:
is nothing but creating apps that will run on your laptop or your computer that means include any operating system (Linux, Mac OS, Windows,..etc),but be careful not the same software or application will run on all of these Operating Systems you can build a software that can run on Windows unlike Linux , so basically you will have to decide which operating system you want to develop for before choose the programming language.Which programming language should i choose ?
Windows apps :
in order to develop a desktop software for Windows platform you have many options :JavaFX, C# Python, C++,VB,Delphi...etc but i highly recommend C# or JavaFX because they are so powerful and so popular
Mac OS apps :
in order to develop a desktop software form Mac computers you have basically two options :Swift and Objectif-C but i highly recommend Swift because it's a amazing language and more simple and powerful especially if you are a beginner.
Cross platform apps (Windows,Linux,MacOS):
in order to develop a desktop software for cross platform computers you have two major options :Java and Python . Generally they are the best for this purpose learn one of them and start your project.
these options above are just the right guide for you to learn the best option, if you are an expert and you know another language can give you what you want then go for it, basically in this field follow any path can achieve your goal.
for more details watch this tutorial here
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