What is Web Development ?

What is Web Development ?

1. Web Development :

web development is nothing but making a website or web application that you will need a web browser to open it for example tripadvisor.com , facebook.com if you choose web development you will be able to build things like this but first you need to know the web component.
Web development is divided to two parts :
1. Front-end : this is nothing but the design of your website or the look of your page when user open it nothing more.
2. Back-end : this is nothing but the server side or the part of making your page dynamic when user search or connect to or send a message the whole thing is hiding for user ,but in fact it's processing in the server side.

What programming language should i learn for Web Development ?
  1. Front-end requirements:

  2. the things you will have to learn in the front-end is :
    HTML : you will need HTML to create you page's content
    CSS: you will need CSS to style your page's content with colors and fonts and everything you want to style css can offer.
    JavaScript: you will need JavaScript to handle front-end actions and to make animations and dialogues and.. etc.

    Things you better know: if you want to be more professional you have amazing things to learn .

    JQuery : JavaScript library it's easy and so rich you can reduce your JavaScript code 10 times.
    Bootstrap : this framework is required for people who wants really responsive design specially when you want to make something works on laptop as the same on phone i highly recommend this.
    EmberJS, AngularJS and ReactJS: you will need these three JavaScript libraries in cashing and page loading and more.
  3. Back-end requirements :

  4. for front-end i said you have to learn many things,but in back-end you will have to choose only one thing between many options :

    Rails :this is an amazing framework written with Ruby, if you want to build a website needs fast searching results i highly recommend Rails ,but before going through rails go first and learn Ruby .
    nodeJS: if you want to make a chatting web application i recommend you to use NodeJS,it's framework written with JavaScript so before start nodeJS you need to learn JavaScript first
    Django : this is a simple Python framework if you want to work with it you should learn Python first.
    Spring : if you are a java developer and you want to build a website you will need to know this framework it's so easy, but if you are not then you should start learning Java first
    Asp.net: if you want to build a secure website then asp is an highly secure framework written with C# ,so before learning asp you need to learn C# first
    PHP: php is the most popular programming language in the back-end web development and unlike what we mentioned above you don't have anything to learn before php just learn php and start working with it.

    Like i said you will have to pick only one thing from above list use what your website require nothing else, don't care about the top programming languages 2017,2018,2020 or whenever just use what make your site works as best as you can.

for more details watch this tutorial here
